- You may return all products within 30 days(from the date you receive the items) of delivery for exchange or refund. The original bag and tag should be intact , not be damaged.
- For the returned item(s), we will arrange a replacement or issue a refund after we have checked your return tracking number or receipt.
- Please note the following items cannot be returned or exchanged: Swimsuit,lingerie,bodysuits, swimwear,jewelry,mask and accessories.
- We do not accept returned items that were sent back by you directly without checking with us first.
- Please do not make returns directly to the address on the package received.Only send to the address that our customer service provided.
- If you wish to return the items to the nearest return address, please contact with us and our customer service will reply to you within 24 hours.
- Refunds will be issued back to the original form of payment that was used to place your order. Please allow 24 hours with Paypal and 7-15 business days with credit card for your refund to appear.
- The original shipping fee and insurance are non-refundable.
- We do not offer Freight To Collect (FTC) service for the packages returned to us. The returns will be made at your own cost. unless a mistake is made by 1b6k.